
How to create Magic

beverages boxes

Custom Product Packaging Ideas:

As a customer, our instinct attracts us towards a product lying on the shelf that has a vibrant, attractive, creative and tasteful packaging. In this competitive World, today where multiple products exist with same composition and formula, having almost the same features and end result, one thing that can really make a difference is how it is packed and how it attracts the buyer towards giving it a shot. In modern times, you can give your product your personal touch and make your customers connect to it through certain type of creative packaging based on some creative materials and color scheme, maybe even giving your packaging a window whereby your product could be playing peek-a-boo with your potential customer.

Let’s go all out with your creativity – no limits!

In today’s times when technology and loads of research and development has brought everything in your access with merely a click of a button, you have the liberty to experiment with even the craziest of ideas that cross your mind. With a great influx of small and medium size online customized packaging websites, now you have a variety of materials and types of packaging to choose from. The best part about customized packaging is that you can really give all your products a personal touch with the selection of the material, color combination and creative design.

Cardboard Boxes:

  • Peek-a-boo:Cardboard can be conveniently played with because of its flexibility and thinness. Through sharp edged dyes Cardboard can be cut into any shape and give your product a window to interact with your customer. You only need to know which sides or dimensions of your product you want your customers to see and the dye cut-out can give your product that display even through a packed box.
  • Custom text, font and images: You can come up with most creative tag lines and features that you want to showcase about your product and you can choose any suitable font and images to go with it on your Cardboard Box. This kind of personalization will attract your customers and they will notice your product through your unique packaging even in a clutter of products.
  • Something extra:You can always give your product packaging a final touch by attaching a tiny booklet, hanger, tag, product leaflet, coupon or a dangler to create another tool to engage your customer. This will buy you more time of your target customer and will also convey your marketing message in a unique and subtle way.